Why live in or move to Northville Township MI

Why live in or move to Northville Township MI
Northville Michigan

Northville Twp MI a great place to live

Northville Michigan
Northville Michigan

5 good reasons to live in Northville Township are:

1.  Northville Township has one of the lowest milleage tax rates in Wayne County MI. 18.8593 for 2008 homestead summer taxes. (from Northville Twp site) That’s a great rate.

2.  Northville Twp is one of Wayne Counties more affluent areas.  Home prices range from 100,000 to over a million dollars. There are beautiful subdivisions like Fox Hollow and Stonewater neighborhoods.

3.  Northville Twp has rolling terrain unlike most of Wayne County.  Much of Wayne County was flat farmland.  Northville has gently rolling hills. Add in some of the small lakes it is beautiful throughout the year.

4.  Northville Township MI is conveniently located close to major expressways.  Just east of Northville Township is I-275 and to the south is M-14/ I-96.  Being close to these expressways makes it easy to get to downtown Detroit, downtown Ann Arbor, or to metro Airport.

5.  Most of Northville Township residents can send their kids to Northville schools.  Northville Schools consistently rank as above the state average.

If you are thinking of moving to Northville or the metro Detroit area then you may want to know How Michigan property taxes work.  Moving to a new area can be intimidating so here is a link to Wayne County relocation and moving to Northville.

Call us today to get started on your home search (248) 310-6239
Call us today to get started on your home search (248) 310-6239

Northville Mi is a great place to live.  I have many friends that live in the city.  It is one of those communities that I would recommend to friends and family.  Good Schools, low crime, and easy highway access.  What more could you want!  If you would prefer a lake home nearby Walled Lake in Oakland County or a lake house on Island Lake in Novi may be to your liking.

Buying a Westland foreclosure or Metro Detroit foreclosure

How Michigan property taxes work – buy a foreclosure with non-homestead taxes – part 4

Russ Ravary your local Northville real estate agent

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