Why can’t I see that short sale?
Many times short sales are what I call an inside job. The owners/sellers are really selling the home to themselves or a friend. Sometimes it is to a new wife or a wife with a different last name. Yes that is supposed to be illegal. Yes it does constitute fraud, but it going on all the time in Metro Detroit. Many homeowners feel they should not have to pay their old mortgage loan off. They want their home but at current mortgage prices. So they set up a short sale so they can sell it to themselves or a friend. So there is no way you are ever going to get to see the house. Even if you get into see the house the seller is only going to accept their friends or accomplice’s offer. They won’t even look at your offer. Yes that is fraud and unfair, but it is happening in Metro Detroit all the time. Some of the low priced homes are being bought by Realtors as investment properties. One realtor will list it and then sell it to a friend. I know of one gay couple that does that quite often. The last names are different so nobody is the wiser. It is happening all over Metro Detroit. So don’t get frustrated that you can’t see that short sale. Move on and look at the homes you can see and buy. How to tick off your agent – Commerce Twp home buyer tips Livonia real estate- buyers closing information [wnt_featured keyid=”1″ title=”Homes for sale in Southeastern Michigan” autoplay=”true” direction=”left” speed=”5″ ownertype=”agent_broker” maxresults=”50″ /]