Westland foreclosures as of 6-5-13


Westland foreclosures are usually easy to find and if you are thinking of “fixing and flipping” this is a great area to start. You can make some money with the right home in the right location of Westland.

There are currently 36 Westland foreclosures with an average time on the market of only 49 days. As you can see below, the starting price for Westland foreclosures is only $16,500 and go up to $209,100.

The median price of Westland foreclosures is just over $69,000. If you are thinking or buying a Westland foreclosure, please give me a call. I am a local expert in foreclosed homes and can walk you through the entire process. I can explain what to look for if you are thinking of “fixing and flipping”. I’m here to help you.

So feel free to give me a call on my cell at 248-310-6239 or just shoot me an email at yesmyrealtor@gmail.com.

Have a great day!

2024 S BRANDON ST11540NN40X13230.5555
33435 SOMERSET ST131086NY89X13527.5322
1943 ACKLEY AVE12648YN30 X 12046.1419
35046 FLORENCE ST121207NY132X16627.3405
34871 FAIRCHILD ST131022NY63X13535.7142
5735 MORLEY ST1.13900YN100X8041.1111
5825 N NEWBURGH RD12976NN55X14039.959
5044 S MIDDLEBELT   RD131026YN52X13838.8888
1833 S PARENT AVE12937NY40X12842.6894
8518 GRAY ST13943NY50X24743.1389
2106 ELLSWORTH ST1.141451YN79 X 10028.9455
1858 S KARLE AVE13844NY40X12851.244
35428 COLUMBIA AVE131000YN43X17343.5
35435 BOOTH AVE231035YY68X12043.3816
6079 N GLOBE ST12884NY80X12056.561
6014 N GLOBE ST13884NY74X13057.6923
5710 N HARVEY ST131296NY80X13040.1234
1540 REGENE ST13950YY51X17563.1578
256 N LINVILLE ST131450NY72X13742.0689
32740 ANN ARBOR   TRL1.131376NY1.01 ACRES50.1453
34675 MELTON ST23950YY65X11273.5789
31729 FAIRCHILD ST13882YN50X13279.365
34699 TONQUISH TRL1.131488NN62X9948.387
33665 TAWAS TRL232059NYIRREGULAR35.9397
30617 JOY RD131350NY50X10559.1851
38585 NORTHAMPTON   ST131550NY60X12451.6129
6972 N WILDWOOD ST131075YY62X10074.4186
32607 STEINHAUER   ST23907YY54X11293.7155
34230 AZTEC DR1.131023YY62X9987.8787
1641 S BERRY ST2.131512YY63X11560.1851
7030 N WILDWOOD ST1.131088YY75X75X99X9993.4742
33226 CHIEF LN231004YY65X120101.494
8131 CARROUSEL   BLVD1.131349NY50X10576.2268
36234 PALMER RD262400YY102X12045.7916
38540 MEGHAN LN3.142300YY67X9790.8913
38302 OAKWEST DR2.142120YYIRREGULAR98.632

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