Deer Creek Subdivision Plymouth MI

Deer Creek Subdivision Plymouth MI









In the past there have been 3 homes sold at Deer Creek Subdivision Plymouth Michigan. A need to know if moving to Plymouth is on your mind. The subdivision is perfect for active lifestyle living. Plymouth Michigan Deer Creek Subdivision is simply beautiful, big, and spacious. Minutes away from historical downtown Plymouth. A great place to raise a family. For additional information about Deer Creek Subdivision Plymouth Michigan or any other homes in Plymouth log on or give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239. As of 7-24-12

12040 DEER CREEK CIR36490036000063103.986134621989N
12217 DEER CREEK RUN475000435000124110.04339531992N
12348 WHITE TAIL CT48500046000088113.496140531993N
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