Understanding the closing process – sellers tips


Here is one item that some Michigan seller’s do not understand when closing on their home.  When it comes closing day, all parties (buyer and seller) will sign the papers officially sealing the deal and ownership of the property will be transferred to the new buyer.

Unless the buyer and seller have agreed beforehand ALL THE SELLERS BELONGINGS MUST BE OUT OF THE HOUSE PRIOR TO CLOSING.  It is the buyer’s house now.  The buyer doesn’t want the old sellers stuff there.  The buyer doesn’t want the liability of theft of the personal property or the liability of the seller or movers getting hurt.

IT’S THE BUYERS HOUSE THE MINUTE YOU CLOSE.  When you walk out of the closing it is no longer your home.  Unless you the seller has agreed to pay rent for a specified number of days your belongings must be out.  No, not later in the day.  No, not tomorrow when you have time, or when you have a truck.

The sellers possessions must be out of the house and it must be broom clean prior to you walking into the closing.

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Thanks Russ

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