Understanding Sellers – Canton Real estate


 If you think about who a seller is then you can use it for your benefit when buying a Canton home.

  • To a seller, their home is the best home in Canton city for the price and all the features. They have put their hard work and all their special touches.  No matter how ugly or ridiculous you may think they are.  After all, they bought this beautiful Canton home, have been paying for it with their hard-earned money, have personalized it to their exquisite taste, and have a raised a family there.  They naturally love while their home, and have spent countless hours, weekends and holidays tending to, living in, maintaining and improving their home. So of course they think it is the nicest home on the block and worth more than the dump that sold down the street. They are going to think their Canton home is worth $30,000 or $40,000 more than other similar homes in their neighborhood. more.
  • Every Seller wants to get the most money for their home.  Wouldn’t you? There are two basic reasons for this: money and pride.

With more money, the seller can buy a nicer place to live or speed the excess money on retirement, or other special projects.  They may be ready to move to Florida or just to a bigger house in Northville.  More money is better than less.  Every seller wants to maximize their profit.  Then if they are buying a bigger house that money can be used for a bigger down payment.

Pride is about getting the most for their beautiful and best home.  There is no Canton seller that wants to get less than what the “dump” sold for down the street.  It doesn’t matter if the market has changed, or even if the “dump” down the street was 500 square feet bigger.  It’s about pride.

  • Sellers want to get the sale over with. Selling a home is not easy.  Keeping the house up for showings is a pain.  Getting it ready was worse.  They want to sell.  If the house is older they are sometimes afraid something else will go wrong.  They want it sold. But they want it sold at what they consider a fair price.

So the key is in the negotiations.  Keep your emotions out of it and remember that as much as you want the lowest price.  The seller wants the highest price.  Somewhere in the middle you have to meet.  They are not being jerks.  But they may need to net a certain price on their Canton real estate.

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