Some days are better than others
Some days are better than others Some days nothing seems to go well. You might get into a car accident that was not your fault, or you might get a speeding ticket, or the place you want to go to has a line a mile long. You get frustrated, you get down. You get into a funk. We all go through it. I don’t believe it is bad luck. I think it is just part of life. Sometimes there is no line, other times there is a long line. For years you drive over the speed limit at some point you are going to get caught. Today might have been the day. It is all random probability. The law of averages. If you live life long enough you have a chance of it happening to you. But when it does we get upset or down on life. So read the following sayings and I hope it gives you a little pick me up.
When you say “I can”, and expect success, you fill yourself with confidence and happiness.
You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, for through it you can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door.
Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” {Mother Teresa) White Lake real estate Oakland County Michigan What is an “A” grade when selling your Novi home or your Metro Detroit home Canton real estate update and Canton condos [wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Homes for sale in Southeastern Michigan” maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”50″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” single_family=”y” condo=”y” min_price=”250000″ max_price=”300000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Wayne” /]