Crescent Lake Waterford Twp MI


Crescent Lake Waterford Twp MI

Here are 9 homes sold in the last 365 days on Crescent Lake Waterford Twp Michigan. If you are looking for small homes not hugh mega mansion homes then this is your lake.  Crescent Lake Waterford Twp Michigan home styles are contemporary, bungalows, cape cods, tudor, colonial, ranches and split levels.  Most of the Waterford Twp Michigan Crescent Lake homes are under 2000 square feet. The lake is an all sports lake with 90 acres in size and 40 feet in depth with public access (Michigan DNR access) and public beach.




460 RIVARD BLVD8508001141.08847351955N
4661 FIDDLE AVE600006000024666.59269011935N
284 FLORAWOOD BLVD700006300011166.45569481954Y
145 HICKORY LN699006790010875.44449001966Y
5435 BRUNSWICK BLVD74900745001550.202114841969N
325 HICKORY NUT DR80000777776563.233312301955N
5042 OSWORTH CT11990010500012766.793815721935Y
5184 DENWOOD ST10990011000014878.571414002003N
4825 ELIZABETH LAKE RD1600002210006122.777718002004Y


As a real estate agent which I handle Metro Detroit Wayne, Oakland & Livingston County’s, I would be happy to show you some of the homes if you have always wanted to experience lifestyle lake living.  I can be reached on my cell (248) 310-6239 or email me @  As of 8-24-12.

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