Plymouth Michigan information

When searching Metro Detroit real estate sometimes you don’t know where you want to live.  What kind of city would make your house desirable.  Look at the cities events and characteristics.  Is it a place that is safe, that people want to visit?  Are the taxes reasonable?  Will property values appreciate in the long run?  Would people want to raise a family there? When relocating to Michigan you don’t know the area or the local cities.

Could it be Plymouth or Plymouth Township?

Plymouth MI is a city that is close to many expressways.  M-14, I-96, & I-275.  Located in Western Wanye county it is a short commute to downtown Detroit, the airport, and Ann Arbor.  We consider Plymouth to be in the western suburbs of Detroit.  It is about 20 minutes from either Ann Arbor or Detroit, right dead center between them.
Plymouth has a quaint downtown with a central park, lots of restaurants, and neat shops.  It has plenty of old time town atmosphere.  Downtown town Plymouth Michigan has about every type of restaurant that you could want (from bar burgers to Irish pub, to higher end Italian or steak places.  So if you live in Plymouth you don’t have far to go to eat out).
What is nice is that they do several festivals a year in the downtown area that help the area thrive.  The Plymouth Ice Festival in January, the Plymouth Arts in the Park show in July, The Plymouth Fall Festival in September.  They also have a Chili cookoff in Kellogg Park.  These festivals draw people from everywhere and makes Plymouth a great place to live.

A street shot of some of the shops across from Kellog Park
Downtown Plymouth also has an Old Village or “lower town” area.  They have a very nice Historical museum that is constantly changing exhibits.

So if you are relocating to Michigan and looking for Metro Detroit Michigan real estate give me a call on my cell or visit my other website to find out more about southeastern Michigan, it’s cities, it;s real estate.

My quote of the day:

I’m not sure what the future holds but I do know that I’m going to be positive and not wake up feeling desperate. As my dad said “Nic, it is what it is, it’s not what it should have been, not what it could have been, it is what it is”.

Nicole Kidman


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