Plymouth MI Home Selling Tips

Plymouth MI Home Selling Tips

How to prepare your home for sale

Here are 6 Plymouth MI Home Selling Tips that will help make your landscaping and outside home look clean and well kept when you go to sell your Plymouth MI Home. You want your outside to look as good as your inside. In selling your Plymouth Home it takes alot of work to make a good impression for the potential home buyer. The first impression you want it to be the last impression.

1. Landscaping and a neat lawn (or native plantings), and clean sidewalks will create a good first impression.  Rent or use your power washer to clean sidewalks and driveways, as well as the outside of your home if necessary.

2. Fertilize and water your lawn if you have one.  It’ll be as emerald green as Ireland in no time at all.

3. Trim trees and shrubs which are overgrown, to let light inside of your house.

4. Paint your house, or at least sand and paint the trim.

5. Lawns and walkways should be swept up and raked.

6. Clean gutters and check roof for any shingles that are missing, or areas that need touch-up paint.

Here’s another outdoor tip, now that spring has finally arrived: Clear patios or decks of all small items such as small planters, flower pots, charcoal, barbecues, toys. etc. Put them in the garage or a patio storage unit

I hope these tips will be very helpful to you when you decide to sell your Plymouth MI Home.  When you decide to sell your home give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 and for additional information go to

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