Plymouth MI Foreclosures
Plymouth Foreclosure statistics
Plymouth MI real estate is very similar to most of Metro Detroit real estate. There are foreclosures in every Metro Detroit suburb in all price ranges. Currently there are 24 Plymouth foreclosures. The lowest price one is 53,000 and the highest one over $500,000.
There are Plymouth foreclosures in Country Acres subdivision, Andover Lakes subdivision, Lake Pointe subdivision, Huntington Park subdivision, and even downtown Plymouth. No income bracket or demographic seems to be immune to losing their home to foreclosure.
Plymouth Short Sales
There are 29 Plymouth homes for sale that are short sales. Short sales are where the home owner is trying to sell the Plymouth home for less than what they owe on the mortgage. Short sales take the banks approval and usually take longer to get done.
Plymouth Corporate relocation sales
There are no corporate relocation homes for sale in Plymouth at this moment.
Usually foreclosures, short sales, corporate relocation are homes buyers should look at because they be priced below market value. Banks are pricing foreclosures very aggressively to get rid of them. It just depends on the bank whether it is a good price or not.
For more on Plymouth MI subdivisions or to search Plymouth MI homes for sale go to my website Wayne County MI Real estate
Feel free to call or email me about Plymouth foreclosures or short sales. cell 248-310-6239 or
Comp and Listing Information Courtesy of Realcomp II Ltd, Properties shown have been listed and sold by various MLS member REALTOR® agents
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