Michigan property taxes – questions and answers
Michigan property tax assessment
State Equalized Value
I recently got this email from a first time Plymouth home buyer that was visiting my website Livonia Real estate and Wayne County Real Estate
Hello Russ,
I recently purchased a home in Plymouth Township, MI. I am a 1st time home buyer and had a couple of questions regarding tax assessment, Michigan property taxes, etc.
The house sold for 264,000 in 1998.
I purchased it recently for approx. 167,000
The combined tax bill is $4217 currently
Will my Michigan property taxes go down because my purchase price was lower than the previous purchase price? If so, how do I determine what they will fall to, and when they will do down? Whom do I speak to if I have questions regarding the taxable value of my Plymouth Township MI home
Thanks so much for any information you can provide.
John Roberts (the name, date, and property tax numbers have been changed to protect the identity)
Once you bought your Plymouth Township home your taxes will be reset. Your tax rate will be based on the state equalized value (SEV). So what you need to do is call the township assessor and get the millage rate and the state equalized value for your property. If I had the address I could find out the state equalized value (SEV) for you.
Then you can figure out what your new tax rate will be. Without the address I can’t tell you the figure.
If you feel your Plymouth Twp taxes are too high read the following website page. Fight your Michigan property taxes
Your Michigan real estate agent that sold you the house should be able to provide you with a free comparable market analysis (CMA) to fight your taxes. You should contact the your city assessors offices to see the dates they want for sold comparables and when the local board of review will meet in February.
Be prepared when you go into the local tax board of review, be nice, and present the comparative market analysis (CMA) facts logically and not emotionally. Good luck
If you need more information or your agent won’t provide with the sold comparables to fight your Metro Detroit Michigan property taxes or your Plymouth Township property taxes email me at info@russravary.com
My quote of the day:
Ability is what you’re capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
Lou Holtz
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