Photos of Canton Township & Canton Township relocation Michigan
Here are some photos of Canton Township homes if you are looking for Canton Township relocation information for Michigan. Here is a look at what Canton home are like. Of course it is January here in the photos of Canton Township Michigan. It snowed a couple of weeks ago and this is what is left.
This tri-level home is just one of many Canton split level homes.
Canton was originally a farming community but starting in 1970 there was a building boom. From 1970 to 2000 Canton’s main business was construction. Subdivision after subdivision sprouted up over the years.
Here is a 1970’s Canton Township colonial. Many Canton Township colonials are some brick and vinyl exterior. Some of the homes have wood, aluminum siding, or vinyl siding. But most of them have some brick on them.
This is a typical 1990’s -2000 brick colonial. They range from 2000 square feet up to 4000 square feet.
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Canton Township Michigan has many ranch homes – great for older buyers that want main floor bedrooms and laundries! No need to go into the basement if they don’t want to. Many of these Canton Township ranch homes make great starter homes too.
Another different style of Canton split level homes.
Yes Canton Township has Cape cod homes, bi-levels, and qual-level homes too.
Most Canton homes have basements and attached garages.
If you are looking for Canton Township Michigan relocation information and more information on Canton Township home styles feel free to call or email me. I know the area very well and I should be able to answer your question. If I don’t know the answer I will look it up or point you in the right direction to find it.
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