Orchard Lake Oakland County MI

Orchard Lake Oakland County MI





Did you know that Orchard Lake in Oakland County Michigan is one of Oakland County’s larger lake? If you are very active and love sports on the lake then this lake is for you. Can you imagine living on a lake, everyone’s dream. Listed are 3 lakes homes that were sold in the last 182 days. Here is some statistics about Oakland County Orchard Lake in Michigan. It is an all sports lake, 788 acres,110 in depth and public access off or Orchard Lake North of Pontiac Trail. I can help you search for the home of your dreams by giving me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 or log onto http://michiganlakerealestatehomes.com for other Oakland County Lakes. As of 7-25-12.
4681 DOW RIDGE RD49900047000039119.380239371964N
4215 VILLAGE CT85000078500068133.186258941980N
3265 BAY SHORE DR899000850000260340.272224981953N


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