Fairway Farms Subdivision Livonia Michigan
Fairway Farms Subdivision Livonia Michigan
These homes listed have been sold at Fairway Farms Subdivision in Livonia Michigan in the last year if you are thinking of relocating to Michigan and want to buy a home this information is useful when you go to sell. It is a very nice community, clean, good size homes that start @ $200,00 to $300.00. Fairway Farms Subdivision Livonia Michigan is located at 5 Mile and Levan Rd. It is loaded with close convenient things to do. Just a short walk away from Fairway Farms is a swim club (Fairway Farms swim club), Idyl Wyld golf course, St Mary Mercy Hospital, plenty of shopping, expressway, parks and so much more. So why not give Livonia Michigan Fairway Farms Subdivision a try, you wont be disappointed or maybe you want to look somewhere else in Wayne County go to http://www.southeasternmichiganhomes.com you are sure to find what your looking for. As of 7-19-12
15612 WOODSIDE ST | 1600 | 1600 | 8 | 0.9962 | 1606 | 1964 | N |
15585 PARKLANE ST | 157500 | 157000 | 11 | 101.4211 | 1548 | 1962 | N |
15646 LEVAN RD | 209900 | 212000 | 1 | 105.2631 | 2014 | 1964 | N |
34975 NORFOLK ST | 424900 | 370000 | 135 | 86.0465 | 4300 | 2000 | N |
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