Novi homes for sale and recent sold home info

Novi real estate data and info

If you are thinking of selling your Novi home here is the latest Metro Detroit real estate update.  This will tell you roughly how long homes are sitting on the market.  Remember the better you price your Novi home for the value the more likely it will sell quicker.  That is your goal right?   I can’t tell you some of the horror stories of people who have lost a lot of money by overpricing their home.  Then they chased the market down.

Novi Home Price Statistics Legend
Price RangeNumber of ListingsDays on Market
100,000 to 150,00039139
150,001 to 200,00067152
200,001 to 250,00054143
250,001 to 300,00093153
300,001 to 350,00051163
350,001 to 400,00045257
400,001 to 450,00031194
450,001 to 500,00019128
500,001 to 550,00022197
550,001 to 600,00017267
For the 438 listings:For the 172 Sold listings:
Average List Price$312,248.00Average Sold Price$291,115.00
Median List Price$295,000.00Median Sold Price$281,000.00
Highest List Price$650,000.00Highest Sold Price$600,000.00
Lowest List Price$104,900.00Lowest Sold Price$100,000.00
List Volume$136,764,400.00Sales Volume$50,071,860.00
Avg. Days On Market170Avg. Days On Market126


Photos, Comp and Listing Information Courtesy of Realcomp II Ltd, Properties shown have been listed and sold by various MLS member REALTOR® agents


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