Novi demographics – Novi real estate

Novi demographics – Novi real estate








If you are thinking of relocating to Novi Michigan and buying a piece of Novi real estate here is Novi demographics.   This will give you a glimpse of the city and what it’s residents characteristics are.

Quick Facts about Novi MichiganNoviMichigan
Population, 2006 estimate54,10510,095,643
Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 200614.2%1.6%
Population, 200047,3869,938,444
Persons under 5 years old, percent, 20007.4%6.8%
Persons under 18 years old, percent, 200027.6%26.1%
Persons 65 years old and over, percent, 20008.1%12.3%
Female persons, percent, 200050.8%51.0%
White persons, percent, 2000 (a)87.3%80.2%
Black persons, percent, 2000 (a)1.9%14.2%
American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2000 (a)0.2%0.6%
Asian persons, percent, 2000 (a)8.7%1.8%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 2000 (a)ZZ
Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 20001.5%1.9%
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2000 (b)1.8%3.3%
Living in same house in 1995 and 2000, pct 5 yrs old & over47.9%57.3%
Foreign born persons, percent, 200012.7%5.3%
Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, 200014.4%8.4%
High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 200094.0%83.4%
Bachelor’s degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 200049.1%21.8%
Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 200026.624.1
Housing units, 200019,6494,234,279
Homeownership rate, 200071.1%73.8%
Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2000$236,300$115,600
Households, 200018,7263,785,661
Persons per household, 20002.522.56
Median household income, 1999$71,918$44,667
Per capita money income, 1999$35,992$22,168
Persons below poverty, percent, 19992.2%10.5%

As I have said in some of my other metro Detroit relocation posts you have to remember that some of this demographic information has changed because it is over ten years old.  In the last ten years the City of Novi I believe has become wealthier.  There have been many high priced Novi neighborhoods built in the last ten years.

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16 years of experience and full time Russ Ravary