Northville Ridge Subdivision Northville MI
Here are 4 homes that have sold in the last 365 days. Northville Ridge Subdivision Northville Michiganis truly one of the most beautiful subdivisions you will find in Northville. The homes are mostly colonial and cape cod style. Northville Ridge Subdivision Northville Michigan homes mostly have brick and brick & vinyl exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. Northville Ridge Subdivision Northville Michigan has approximately 356 homes in it with square footage of the homes range from 2100 – 3600 square ft. The homes were built during the years of 1971 -1990. The school district is Northville Schools.Northville Ridge Subdivision Northville MI
If you are looking for a great subdivision with excellent schools the Northville Ridge Subdivision is the place you want to check out. Please call me (248) 310-6239 or email me @ As of 9-18-12 Lake Sherwood Real Estate Commerce Twp Mi Home selling tips what is important when starting to price your home search Northville homes for sale [wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Homes for sale and rent in Northville MI” maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”50″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” single_family=”y” condo=”y” min_price=”0″ max_price=”1000000000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Wayne” city=”Northville,Northville Township” /]
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