Michigan home inspections – Metro Detroit suburbs

When you are buying Metro Detroit Real Estate you need a home inspection.  It is that simple.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.  A quality home inspector will save you money.  They can point out items that many first time home buyers would never see.  Even experienced home buyers miss many problems that an experienced home inspector will find.

Here are some names of Metro Detroit Home Inspectors

  • Cornerstone Inspection                                 734-658-0000
  • Michigan Inspect.com                                    800-285-3001
  • JW Home inspections                                    248-880-8817
  • Pillar to Post                                                734-427-5577
  • House Master.com                                        888-848-0202
  • Milestone Inspections                                   734-748-7270
  • Regal Home Inspections                               888-873-4254
  • All County Home Inspections.com                  313-441-6573
  • Cornish Home Inspections                            734-671-6160

Most inspectors charge from $250 -$450 depending on the size of the home and other buildings.  I would say the average price is in the $300 range.  I believe paying for a home inspection is the best money you can spend.  It can save you from buying a money pit.  Many home inspectors treat the inspection as a learning experience for the home buyer.  The good ones point out potential future problems and tell you simple tips to help you maintain your new home.

Bottom line is get a home inspection done whether you are buying a Farmington Hills home or Canton real estate.



My quote of the day is

Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty.


 Waterfront properties for sale in Michigan



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