Metro Detroit first time home buyers tips part 10- putting the bid in
Now is the time to put everything you have learned as a Metro Detroit first time home buyertogether. It’s about time to put in a bid. You have your mortgage pre-approval letter and you know what you can afford in a payment. You know it may be wiser to buy a smaller house so the house payment fits your budget.
You have looked at listings and viewed some Metro Detroit homes. You have taken good notes on the houses you like. You got rid of the paperwork of the ones you didn’t. You have looked at the major componants of the house. You know which houses need updates, which furnaces, windows, and roofs are newer or older. You have thought about what it will cost to fix up. You know whether you are handy or whether you will have to pay somebody to fix the problems.
You know some Metro Detroit homes are out of your budget once you figure in the repair costs. You know some are out of your range because of the high taxes. You know you really love some houses because of the decor but you know the home doesn’t really fit your criteria. That’s what tough about narrowing down the homes.
That’s why it is important to take notes and then do a sheet with all the pluses and minuses on one sheet of all the houses. Being able to see it in black in white is important and some home will stand out all of a sudden.
A knowledgeable Metro Detroit first time home buyer will know to ask their Metro Detroit Realtor to get them the latest sold homes comparables. They will know to look over them to compare them to the home they are thinking of buying.
YOU ARE READY TO BID and the next blog will go over some of the strategies on how to bid according to the situation.
I hope all this info helps you. For more Metro Detroit first time Home buyers tips see the following articles:

If you want to keep it – get it out of the house home selling tips
Zillow and Trulia list it as a foreclosure but no address
Voorheis lake front homes – Voorheis Lake real estate
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