Metro Detroit first time home buyer advice part 8 – listen to your Metro Detroit real estate agent

If you really want to be a smart Metro Detroit first time home buyer listen to what advice your Metro Detroit Realtor is offering.  Too many times the advice of the Realtor gets ignored.

Stop thinking you know more than your real estate agent. The best Metro Detroit real estate agents live with real estate 7 days a week, 12 – 14 hours a day.   They talk real estate, they blog real estate, and they think real estate.   They are constantly working with other real estate professionals, bouncing problems off their brokers and fellow agents.  There is usually over a hundred years of experience in any real estate office.We sometimes see over a hundred houses in a week so we know what we are talking about.

Check your home’s value ?

As a real estate agent we see so many different problems and get them worked out.  Many times we see issues that scare our first time home buyers. It scares the buyers because they have never seen the problem before.  I have had buyers not buy homes because of cracks in basement walls and floors.  Those are common occurrences and many Metro Detroit homes have cracks in the basements.  It’s not unusual.

I have had buyers refuse to buy a home because they got nervous or scare of a common fault found in many homes.  They missed out on buying a good home because of lack of knowledge.  ( I hate to use the word ignorance because people think it means stupid)  I take ignorance to mean unknowledgeable in that area.   A doctor doesn’t know about electricity.  You should not refuse to buy a home because it does not have grounded plugs.

One of the biggest issues I see with Metro Detroit first time home buyers is not listening to them on where to buy.  For example I had two clients that wanted to buy a brick ranch home that was in good shape for under $70,000.  They wanted to look in Southfield and Oak Park.  The problem was is that there are very few (if any) homes that fit that criteria in Southfield and Oak Park.  The homes cost more in Southfield and Oak Park.  But that first time home buyer could find lots of homes that fit that criteria in Warren, Oak Park, Westland, or Dearborn Heights.

We look at homes all week long.  We know where the deals are.  We hear about homes from other agents in our office.  We can walk into a home and tell that it is a good or great deal.  Listen to your Metro Detroit Realtor when they tell you that you are missing out on a great home.  They know what they are talking about.

I have had people pass up great homes only to regret it a month later.  I understand you would rather have a home in a certain city buy sometimes you have to be realistic on what is available.

I’ll do what ever you want and always act in your best interest.  But if you tap our experience and knowledge you will find out that you will be one that really benefits.  You will get the home you want and get a good home.

For more Metro Detroit first time Home buyers tips see the following articles:



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