Managing expectations – lake home negotiation tips
As a realtor we have to manage your expectations on what may happen during the negotiations. It does not matter whether it is lake properties in Highland Township MI or Cass Lake homes in West Bloomfield MI, This is a fine line for us realtors to walk. We do not want to be a negative Nelly, but if you are asking for the sun and moon….well….. If you really want the lake home do not let the little items influence the over all sale of the home.That is what recently happened with my clients. They forgot they were buying a house. They got involved in wanting furniture and lake toys when we put in the offer on the lake home. So when the seller said no, it turned them off. Our goal is to buy a house. The rest is a bonus. My buyers got upset and refused t negotiate further.So if the seller is saying no to the kayaks, the patio furniture, and the boat lift move on. You want the house, right? That is what we are after. We want to buy you a lake home you can enjoy. The boat and all the other stuff is just a bonus. So do not be upset when you do not get them. If it is Duck Lake home in Highland Michigan remember when you add in furniture to the purchase contract that you may not get it. It is hard to go back and ask for a $2000 price reduction when you do not get the furniture or the boat.
We want the lake house. You can buy the toys later. I hope this lake home negotiation tip puts your focus back where it should be when buying a house. I never want you to regret passing up a nice lake home because you didn’t get the kayaks or patio furniture. I look forward to seeing you enjoying yourself on the lakes. If you are moving to Michigan we have a Metro Detroit relocation guide to help you find the community and town that fits your lifestyle. My websites are full of home buyer tips. I want you to be prepared when buying or selling a home in southeastern Michigan. The more you are prepared for what may happen, the less stressful it will be. You will be able to say “Oh I read about that and this is what happens and what I need to do”. If you are buying a lake home then sometimes The size of the lake matters- Oakland County lake home buyer tips. The bigger the lake the more expensive the lake homes may be. So a smaller lake like Duck Lake in Orion MI may be a cost effective way to go. I have clients that have bought on big and small lakes. They are happy because I helped them understand what the lakes had to offer. I love working with lake home buyers because I love the lake lifestyle. If you need a lake realtor give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239. Remember we offer a buyer’s bonus.
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