Lakeville Lake Addison Township MI

Lakeville Lake Addison Township MI










There have been 9 sold homes at Lakeville Lake Addison Township Michigan in the last year. If you are wanting to buy a lake home in Addison Township Michigan on Lakeville Lake you have made a great choice.Lakeville Lake properties have from 35′ to over 200′ of lake frontage. There are little 800 square foot ranches to 5600 square foot contemporary homes. It is an all sports lake with 460 in size and 42 feet deep. Let me help you find a dream home on Lakeville Lake in Addison Township Michigan. Give me a call on my cell any time @ (248)310-6239 and I will be happy to help you. As of 7-30-12.

2645 KINGSTON RD10500010500027684.677412401994N
1675 ROCHESTER RD19000017500022466.793826201951N
1501 ROCHESTER RD2290002270001206.739510981930Y
2721 DEVONSHIRE229999230000319101.366222691979N
1469 ROCHESTER RD45000028100022098.492828531955Y
1507 ROCHESTER RD289900282500616192.701214661948N
665 GRAVEL RIDGE370000340000184121.428528002008N
1473 ROCHESTER RD3990004000003166.666624001952N
625 ARMY RD625000570000393200.28128461974N
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