Just another day in Southeastern Michigan

I was driving down the expressway yesterday at 6:30 in the morning.  I saw a pickup truck all smashed up.  A guy was on his way to work, the truck was loaded with work materials.  The police were there.  And I flashed back back to my youth.

I remember the days as a young man.  I struggled to get ahead.  I had a small landscaping business.  I remember having truck problems and being stranded on the side of the road.  I sometimes wondered if I would ever get a stroke of good luck.  I have had material blow off the truck, I have had to be towed in at all times of the day and night.  I remember feeling like quiting, feeling like giving up.  I remember thinking why me.  ( Do you ever have a feeling like that?)  It always seemed to happen when you were the busiest is when you had the most car or truck troubles.  Or when you had the least money.  I felt so bad for those guys this morning.  It was a flashback to my youth.

I wish those guys I saw this morning better luck.  That their hard work will pay off sooner.  I feel if they are up on a Sunday morning at 6:30 they are at least trying to make it.  Life throws us all a lot of curves.  Just think when we think we are doing well we sometimes suffer a set back.

Just like this economy.  Whether you have lost a job, lost a substantial amount of income, or lost your house to foreclosure….. don’t give up.   Don’t quit.  Find it within yourself to keep going.  Live each day to the fullest.  But don’t quit.  It all works out.  It may not be the way we planned, or how we wanted it to go.  But if you look down deep we all have little things to be thankful for.

May your luck get better as the day goes on, and may tomorrow bring you good fortune that eclipses today.

Russ Ravary

My quotes of the day:

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller

“It is never too late to become what you might have been.”
George Eliot

“I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.”
E. E. Cummings


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