I think the health care bill and the public option

Health care is such controversial issue.  It may be President Obama’s Achilles heal.  With the economy on the borderline of coming back or crashing (nobody knows for sure) many people are upset with the amount of government spending.  I myself predicted before anybody was elected that this president will only be a one term president.

It didn’t matter whether it was McCain or Obama elected, nobody can fix all the problems we have in this country right now.  Add to it Irag, Afganistan, and the terrorist threats it is a quagmire for any politician.  Many Republicans have become rabid over Obama.

So now health care has become the football.  It is going to become a casualty of excessive government spending.  As a self employed person I feel the pain of health insurance costs.  My wife got cancer about 20 years.  At the time she had a private insurance policy.  We weren’t married so she had her own insurance.  Over the years we have kept her insurance going because of the “pre-existing condition” problem.

With Marianne having a cancer we never wanted to take the chance of her be denied insurance coverage because of her cancer.  So we always kept her insurance.  Over the years I paid for a separate insurance policy too.  With job changes or companies going out of business I was always nervous about Marianne not being covered. Sometimes one of her treatments cost $4000.  Everybody knows how much a hospital visit cost.

They always say that everybody could go into financial straits because of a major illness.

As a person who pays $12,000 – $15,000 in medical bills and insurance premiums each year I know what is like to feel the pressure of working to pay medical costs.  Some years we get up to $20,000, I always say we would be able to take better vacations or live a little better life if medical costs weren’t so large.  I’m sure there are lots of people across America that are like us that feel the pain of health care costs.

As the years go on more and more people across America will feel the brunt of medical costs.  So something has to give.  Do we need more doctors so doctors fees go down?  Do we need to regulate prescription costs?  I don’t know the answer but I would not have minded the option to explore what the government was going to offer.

Though I thought the whole change of needing to be 50 years old to get a mammogram is tied to the possible future insurance and government regulations.  If they are already doing that now would we be denied treatment because some board said it wasn’t needed.  Who knows what is right or wrong.  But either way I think it will be a ways be before we ever see health care reform.

Just my ramblings on health insurance.

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