Foreclosures in Milford Michigan

Currently there is only one foreclosures in Milford Michigan.  If you would like more information or would like to see this Milford foreclosure give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239.

1039 BIRD SONG Lane, Milford Vlg 48381Price:$187,000
MLS#:213204784CondominiumStatus:ACTVSummer Tx:$4,573
County:OaklandStat Dt:12/17/13Winter Tx:$771
School Dist:Huron ValleyBeds:
Yr Built:2000
SubDiv:PINE BLUFFS OF MILFORD OCCPN 1151Sqft:1,962Basement:Yes
MLS Area:02162 – Milford VlgGrg Size:2 Car
Architecture:2 StoryWater:Municipal Water
Style:ContemporaryHeating:Forced Air
2 bedroom end unit detached condo with 2 additional bedrooms and full bath in finished walk out basement.  mold present in basement.  Employees and family members residing with employees of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A, its affiliates or subsidiaries are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly purchasing any property owned by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.  buyer to pay listing broker 399 reo comp fee at closing. all info estimated sold as is seller to make no repairs. offer package attached all deposits held by Premiere escrow services.

Milford is a wonderful town with lots of good restaurants and unique stores.  When you chose to live in Milford Michigan you will be close to hundreds of acres of state and county recreation land.  Highland Recreation area and Kensington Metro Park is just a short drive away.  Kensington Metro Park has a golf course, a bike/walking track, hiking trails, a lake and a beach.  You have many public access lakes within a short ride.  Pontiac State Park with a large beach is a 20 minute ride away.  The Huron River flows by Milford which is a great river to kayak or canoe. If you are moving to Oakland County Michigan Milford is a great place to look.  You will love it here.


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