Farmington Michigan median home prices

Whether you are selling a Farmington Michigan home, or relocating to Michigan, or thinking of moving to Farmington the tables below will give you an idea of the Farmington real estate market.  The tables below will tell you how long Farmington homes have been sitting on the market by price range,  what the average time on the market is.

The tables below also give Farmington homes average sold price and Farmington median home sales price.  Dont use this table to price your home, but use as an indication of where the price points are that people are buying Farmington homes.


Farmington Home Price Statistics

Num of Listings 170

2 4 11 23 82 124 173 96 96 50 50 49 18 20 7 8 5 5
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18
Farmington MI Home Price Range
Farmington Real Estate Price Statistics Legend
Range Name Price Range Number of Listings Days on Market
R1 50,000 to 70,000 2 84
R2 70,001 to 90,000 4 220
R3 90,001 to 110,000 11 115
R4 110,001 to 130,000 23 130
R5 130,001 to 150,000 82 158
R6 150,001 to 170,000 124 148
R7 170,001 to 190,000 173 147
R8 190,001 to 210,000 96 154
R9 210,001 to 230,000 96 163
R10 230,001 to 250,000 50 124
R11 250,001 to 270,000 50 155
R12 270,001 to 290,000 49 151
R13 290,001 to 310,000 18 191
R14 310,001 to 330,000 20 177
R15 330,001 to 350,000 7 192
R16 350,001 to 370,000 8 102
R17 370,001 to 390,000 5 197
R18 390,001 to 400,000 5 273

For the 823 listings: For the 147 Sold listings:
Average List Price $206,921.00 Average Sold Price $192,043.00
Median List Price $194,800.00 Median Sold Price $182,000.00
Highest List Price $413,700.00 Highest Sold Price $390,000.00
Lowest List Price $55,900.00 Lowest Sold Price $54,000.00
List Volume $170,296,100.00 Sales Volume $28,230,350.00
Avg. Days On Market 152 Avg. Days On Market 121

Comp and Listing Information Courtesy of Realcomp II Ltd, Properties shown have been listed and sold by various MLS member REALTOR® agents

For more on Metro Detroit real estate check out the categories on the side, email me to help you buy or sell a home in Farmington Michigan, or Farmington Hills Michigan

My cell number is 248-310-6239 or email me at

Lake houses for sale on Peninsula Lake near Milford MI 

Here is an Irish Blessing from me to you:

Irish Marriage Blessing
May God be with you and bless you.
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortunes
and rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward.



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