Canseco’s $2.5 million home foreclosed on
Jose Cansecos 2.5 Million dollar L.A. home is being foreclosed on!
It doesnt matter if the house is worth a lot of money or the owner is perceived to be ‘rich’ There are many $500,000 + Metro Detroit homes that are being foreclosed on too!
- There are 32 Wayne County Foreclosed Homes over $500,000
- There are 145 Oakland County Foreclosed Homes over $500,000
- There are 7 Macomb County Foreclosed Homes over $500,000
- There are 4 Washtenaw County Foreclosed Homes over $500,000
The above information is gathered from foreclosed, as is, relocation owned properties that are listed on the MLS as of 5/2/08.
There are many great deals in Metro Detroit Real estate on foreclosures right now. Some need work and other are ‘move in’ condition. The key is to have the Metro Detroit Foreclosed home inspected and then compare the prices to other recent sold homes in the area. That way you can find out whether you are getting a deal on the homes. Search Metro Detroit homes for sale by clicking on the search for homes buttons above or email me for a list of Metro Detroit foreclosed homes in your area. You can email me at be sure to include the cities you are interested in, the price range, and what you would like in the house in terms of bedrooms, bathrooms, garage, basement.
For more on Michigan foreclosures go to the foreclosure section on the side here
Waterfront properties for sale on Murray Lake in Oakland County MI
Sometimes the best lake homes sell in less than a week. Click the button below to get the newest lake listings so you do not miss out on the great deals.
[wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Million dollars homes for sale in Oakland County MI” maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”50″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” single_family=”y” condo=”y” min_price=”1000000″ max_price=”1000000000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Oakland” has_waterfront=”Y” /]