Commerce Lake Commerce Twp MI


 Commerce Lake Commerce Twp MI

Here are 12 homes sold in the last 365 days on Commerce Lake in Commerce Twp Michigan.  There are big beautiful high end homes on Commerce Lake Commerce Twp Michigan if this is what your looking for although there are some lower priced homes as well.  Commerce Lake Commerce Twp Michigan home styles are bungalows, ranches, colonials, cape cod and split levels. There are 600-5800 square foot lake homes around the lake. Commerce Twp Michigan Commerce Lake is a private all sports lake, 236 acres in size and 22 ft in depth.  Commerce Lake is actually two lakes – North Commerce Lake and SouthCommerce Lake.  It is not a public lake and there is no public access.


4331 CREEDMORE ST19001700390.885419201942N
1007 VOLLMERS ST19751800160.642328021973N
4143 BLUEBIRD DR23002300151.891412161960N
1085 RIDGEMONT ST28500315002135.63348841966N
3035 BRISBANE ST4400040000954010001985Y
3423 BOYER ST8990081000938.755920901975N
1003 VOLLMERS ST11490010000022118.62398431940N
3443 BOYER ST1899001899004090.948220881970N
1606 COMMERCE SHRS2250002145007587.443924531992N
829 DRIBURG DR22990022100017123.188417941968N
330 WOODCREEK CT28990028500059117.914724171991N
301 WOODCREEK CT2999002950004497.714430191992N

If you are looking to buy on Commerce Lake in Commerce Twp Michigan give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 or email me @  For more information on other Oakland County Lakes go to As of 8-23-12

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