Commerce home seller tips – Before the Home Inspection

Do everything you can to get your Commerce home in good and working condition before you attempt to sell it. Fix the apparent items that you have put off. If you have water stains on ceiling tiles, molding, or under the sink clean them up. Replace the tiles, clean and paint the molding. Water stains scare buyers. Basements should always be repainted if possible. If there is a water stain on the wood or ceiling tile the home inspector is going to suspect a water leak. It does not matter if the water leak happened 20 years ago. So you need to repaint the walls or molding, and replace any stain ceiling tiles.

It is a home inspectors job to find things wrong with your Commerce home, but don’t be discouraged if the inspection report contains a few negative statements. Home inspectors make note of everything they see. There is sometimes mold in the attic that you may have lived with for years. The unseen items you cannot foresee. I always tell my clients fix what you know is wrong or what you can see. The rest we have to deal with when the home inspector finds it. There is no sense worrying about it until the home inspector does his report.
Remember that the home inspection report is not a wish-list for buyers. A home inspection is done to reveal major issues, deal breakers, or costly items. Usually a buyer will not nit-pick you on the small stuff. But fixing the small stuff and making your house appear well kept and clean will help the inspection. I feel inspectors that see a nice house go easier on it than a beat up run down house. Here is another two home selling tips: Oakland County home selling tip and How to sell your Metro Detroit home for more money. My goal is to get you top dollar for your home. It does not matter whether your home is in Commerce or any other city in Oakland or Wayne County. If you prepare your home for sale better you most likely will get more money for your home.
If you are buying a home remember we offer a buyers bonus when we are your buyers agent. Making an Offer on a Canton Township MI Home is not hard.
Call me today whether you are buying or selling on my cell at (248) 310-6239
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- Scott Lake in Waterford Michigan
- Silver Lake in Waterford Michigan
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