Bristol Corners subdivision Novi MI
Novi MI Real Estate Relocating to Michigan? Whether you have a Michigan relocation in your future or just moving in Michigan this will give you a feel of what Bristol Corners homes are listed for, what they have sold for in the last year. Also listed is the average time on the market for the Bristol Corners homes. This page will give you some basics about Bristol Corners subdivision Novi MI |
Novi MI Homes for sale
Here is the latest Metro Detroit real estate update for Bristol Corners subdivision Novi Mi as of January 11, 2009There are 5 Novi homes currently for sale in Bristol Corners. The average sale price is $395,360 and the average time on the market is 201 days.
There were 6 homes that sold in Bristol Corners in the last 6 months. The average list price was $361,498 and were on the market an average of 68 days when they were finally sold.
Here is more indepth Bristol Corners subdivision info, including home styles, average size of homes, exteriors, street names, association info click here
Here is the latest Novi Real Estate Market update for Bristol Corners Subdivision Neighborhood as of August 19, 2008There are 6 Novi homes for sale currently in the sub and 2 for lease. The average list price is $400,000 and on the average has been on the market for 253 days.
IF YOU OR ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS, OR CHILDREN WOULD LIKE TO SEE ONE OF THESE LOVELY NOVI HOMES FOR SALE OR GET MORE INFORMATION ON THEM EMAIL ME AT OR CALL ME ON MY CELL AT 248-310-6239 Here are all the Novi homes that have sold in Bristol Corners, Novi, MI in the last year as of 1/1/2008
11 Novi, Mi homes have sold in Bristol Corners Subdivision in the last year with an average price of $343,350 after being on the market an average of 156 days. |
Novi is a nice town located in Southwestern Oakland County. For more Michigan relocation information give me a call or email me.
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Comp and listing information courtesy of RealComp II. Properties shown have been listed and sold by various MLS member REALTOR® agents
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