Autumn Park Subdivision Novi Michigan

Autumn Park Subdivision Novi Michigan











Have you thought about moving to Michigan a great state known for its Great Lakes? Autumn Park Subdivision in Novi Michigan is a good place to start and where homeowners enjoy quality living. There has been 8 homes sold in the last year in Novi Michigan Autumn Park Subdivision listed below. If you are interested on buying in Autumn Park Subdivision or any other Novi Subdivision go to or give me a call on my cell at (248)310-6239. As of 7-23-12

22665 SUMMER LN33580034700014101.610534151997N
22520 SUMMER LN42490038000045101.604237401998N
22785 SUMMER LN41990041000073121.553533731999N
47265 SOMERSET CT45000043000037133.998132091998N
22617 SUMMER LN47490045000024101.191844471999N
47255 SUNNYBROOK LN50000047950042120.628939751997N
22750 SUMMER LN49900048000022108.917644071996N
46235 WHITE PINES DR59950058000088131.818144002004N
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