Abbey Knoll Subdivision Northville Michigan

Abbey Knoll Subdivision Northville Michigan









If you want a Friendly and Family oriented place to live then Abbey Knoll Subdivision Northville Michigan is your place. The number of homes sold in the last year are listed below which tells you what the selling point is in Northville Michigan Abbey Knoll Subdivision within the last year. Northville has wonderful schools and highly recommend it. Northville gives you an upscale kind of lifestyle and a great place to raise a family. Go to if you want more information about Abbey Koll Subdivision Northville Michigan or any other subdivisions/homes in beautiful Northville Michigan. As of 7-20-12

1017 ANDOVER DR100050173000876.447122631988N
1017 ANDOVER DR38500040300018178.082122631988N
999 SHANNON CT42500042500030145.448329221987N
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