A day in the life of a Plymouth Realtor


Whew, Another one down

Yes I was happy for my clients yesterday.  I had listed a Plymouth Michigan home about two months ago.  It was a clean well maintain Plymouth home.  It sold in under a week at the top of comparable market prices.  So we did great for the money.

Then came the issues.  First the mortgage guy calls up and tells me that it probably won’t appraise because he pulled comps and “in his opinion” the price was high and the buyer thought it needed some work.  Well that was the first time a mortgage guy called me to tell me his opinion of how I priced a home.  I guess next time I need to call and tell him about some of the lower rates I see on the internet.  I promise I won’t do his job if he doesn’t do mine.  Usually we leave the appraising to the appraiser.

During this time we still had not gotten underwriting approval.  Anyway it took a long time to get the appraisal back, but about a week before closing the house did appraise for sales price.  So that was a good thing.   In this Plymouth real estate market you never know how homes are going to appraise.  Though I believe most banks and lenders are realizing our Metro Detroit home prices are going up.  So we got through the first hurdle.  Then came the next surprise.  See tomorrow’s blog on  the continuing saga.

Relocating to Michigan

Long Lake Commerce Twp MI

Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi MI

Search Plymouth homes for sale

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