A day in the life of a Metro Detroit real estate agent

I’ve got squatters! We are closing on  a HUD home Friday and my client went by the house she was buying.  It was a metro Detroit HUD home which is usually a FHA foreclosure.  There was a car in the driveway, the lock was gone from the door and there was a mattress in a room.  Somebody moved into her home.  She called me all upset and crying.


The person who moved in must be jumping for joy.  A free place to live!   I didn’t think it was warm enough to live in a house without heat but it must be.   But who knows maybe they had the electricity or gas turned on.   So I had to call the HUD closing agent to report the problem.  So tomorrow they will be sending out a HUD representative to take care of the problem.

I was told there is a scam going around Detroit.  There are some people renting out foreclosed houses.  They don’t own them but they are collecting rent and leasing out houses they don’t own.  I guess they have a scam for everything.  But now we are worried that the squatter has done damage to the home.  Is there still a furnace?  Are the copper pipes still there or have they been scrapped out?  We are afraid there might be damage to the home now.

Will the squatter come back?  Will they come back and be destructive?  I don’t believe the squatter will be happy when they are confronted tomorrow.  I am just glad it isn’t my job to throw them out.  I just hope they haven’t been scammed and lost money on renting a place.

Well I have to go pray that my clients house hasn’t been damaged and that we can close on the house for my client this Friday.


Just another day in the life of a Metro Detroit Real estate agent!!!  I wonder what surprise tomorrow will bring for me!

If you are looking to buy a metro Detroit home give me a call or email me.  Whether you are a first time home buyer or have owned a home before I will work hard to resolve any issues that may come up and try to make your house purchase as stress free as possible for you.

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My quote of the day is

“One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.”
~ Euripides





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