1st thing you should do after you close on your new home
What do you think you should do first after you close on your new home? Secure it. The first thing you should do is CHANGE THE LOCKS. Many times listing agents use a uniform key for many of their foreclosed homes. If it is a private home who knows who has a key? An old girlfriend? The kids that lived there? An irate ex-husband? Friends of the family? Anybody could have a key. Keys are stolen out of the lockbox.. So who knows who may have a key. So secure your home and change the locks. It is the 1st thing you should do after you close on your new home. For more tips on the home buying and selling process go to my websites http://www.russravary.com or look on the side bar for the topics that interest you. Always feel free to pick up the phone and call me with any questions on my cell (248) 310-6239.
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