Wolverine Lake Michigan Foreclosures as of 4-17-2013
Wolverine Lake is a village in Commerce Township, Oakland County in Michigan. The population was 4,312 at the 2010 census. It is named after the wolverine, from which Michigan acquired its unofficial nickname of Wolverine State.
Here is a profile of Wolverine Lake Michigan:
- 265 acre all-sports lake
- 1.69 square miles
- 29 miles to Detroit
- 25 miles to Metro Airport
- Population 4,312
- 1,740 households
I did some research to see what Wolverine Lake Michigan foreclosures were available. See the list below for details. There are a total of 3 Wolverine Lake Michigan foreclosures as of today, 4-17-13. They have an average sale price of $115,600 and an average time on the market of only 37 days.
960 ADELAIDE DR | 1 | 3 | 960 | Y | Y | IRREGULAR | 78.0208 |
1796 LADD RD | 2 | 4 | 2720 | Y | Y | 110 X 150 | 48.5294 |
1253 AMARILLO ST | 1.1 | 4 | 1794 | Y | Y | 80X115 | 77.9821 |
If you are looking for the latest and greatest list of Wolverine Lake Michigan foreclosures (or any other southeastern city) let me know!
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