What you learn


Boy, I am doing some research on sex offender’s list for a client and just learned this little tidbit.  Sexting by our teenagers and young kids can land them on the sex offenders list.  Let’s say your son or daughter receives a sext from somebody in high school.  If the person that the picture was of under 18 they are a child.  The sext is child porn then.  It doesn’t matter if it was sent to your child or young adult.  If they have it on their phone or computer it is child porn!

Especially if they keep it on their phone or computer after they turn 18.  I don’t think our young children do not know this.  If they send the sext to another friend they are trafficking in child porn.  This is one of those things as parents we do not think about.  We didn’t do sexting when we that age.  So how would we know?  We do not know what our kids are doing all the time.  So if you have a young teenage child it might be wise to give them a talk about the dangers of texting.  It could change their life if they end up on the sex offenders list because they were sexting.  It seems like nothing but the stigma of being on the sex offenders list and the looks you get can damage your child.  Talk to them and protect them.

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