Western Metro Detroit Affluent Cities

When relocating to Michigan how do you know what area is affluent or middle to upper class?  Which town is more affluent.  If a Michigan relocation is in your future then here are some statistics about NorthvilleNovi, and Plymouth to help you determine which town is right for you.  These statistics are from the 2000 census.

Below I have listed by category income levels, education levels, median income, and number of high end homes sold to help you understand what your neighbors will be like when you move to Plymouth, Plymouth Twp, Novi, Northville Twp, or the City of Northville

CategoryNorthville TwpCity of NorthvilleNoviPlymouth TwpCity of Plymouth
Bachelor’s degree or higher48.1%53.9%49.1%42%40.7%
High School Grad or higher91.7%94%94%92.6%89.9%
Income $75K – 99K15%14.8%15.7%16.3%13.8%
            $100 – 49K21%19.7%17.9%19.1%12.5%
            $150 – 99K9.7%6.8%7.2%6.7%3.8%
            Over 200K9%12.1%7%7.7%3.3%
Median Household Income$81,541$83,961$71,918$74,738$51,535
Median Family Income$101,998$96,802$91,369$90,243$76,361
Per Capitata Income$40,250$43,454$35,992$37,081$33,222
Number of homes sold last year over 1 million dollars10600
Number of homes sold last year between $600K – $999K3031300

If you need more information about Metro Detroit real estate give me a call on my cell or email me at info@RussRavary.com

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My quote of the day:

Rich people have the same problems we do.  They get cancer, they get divorced, they have the same issues we do with raising kids.  Money has never bought rich people the ultimate goals… happiness and satisfaction with their life.  That is only achieved from within not with hundred dollar bills.

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