Water damaged Metro Detroit homes
Why you should run from a water damaged Michigan home.
When Metro Detroit homes go into foreclosure in the winter the homeowners move out and shut off the heat. The bank sometimes takes weeks to catch up and winterize the home or put the heat on.
What happens is the pipes burst? The water runs for days. I have heard stories of the whole basement flooded. Or so much water flowing that it is actually running on the outside of the brick. I heard of a $4000 water bill. Can you imagine how long the water ran in that Metro Detroit home?
When buying Metro Detroit real estate that is water damage you must realize that unless you strip the house down to the studs you are going to have mold growing behind the walls. The wood trusses, floors, and studs are going to swell, twist and turn. I have seen floors that have buckled as high as a foot off the ground. A 200 pound person could lay on the floor between the the buckled floor and be completely hidden.
Mold is a serious issue. You need to have a professional mold remediation company come in after the house dries out. The cost of mold remediation and the cost of repairs far out way any “potential deal” that you may get on that Metro Detroit real estate.
My thoughts are to run as far as you can away from any home that has major or even minor water damage. It wouldn’t want my family to live in it. And I think you would not want to be the renter or buyer of a home that has had a wham bam slap it together and cover it up repair. It is just plain unhealthy unless the damage is repaired, dried out properly.
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Have a great day Russ Ravary
My quote of the day is:
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”
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