Uncle Bob and Metro Detroit home inspections

on’t have Uncle Bob inspect your Metro Detroit home if he doesn’t have the experience.  So you think Uncle Bob is going to help you out and save you $300 by inspecting your Metro Detroit home.  Just don’t come crying to me.  Last week I had Uncle Bob Joe inspect one of my clients properties.  I wanted to cry.

Metro Detroit home inspectors

He spent more time talking about non essential things like:

what colors to paint the walls

how little he paid for his house

how they asked for 5 years of w-2s and they are going to do it to you to

he doesn’t like the stove and refrigerator next to each other

that a $50,000 mortgage is going to have a $700 payment and if they need $30,000 to fix it up the mortgage payment is going to be $1500 a month.  WHAT!!!!

that he’s been a cement layer, hardwood floor installer, basement waterproofer and he knows how to do it all…..I honestly didn’t know how many jobs he has had but.

that you need to pick up boxed electrical sockets and put them away…. because sitting in the kitchen cupboard will causes questions from the appraiser.  WHAT!!!!

Sadly this guy did a bad job of inspecting the home but he knew about mortgages, and everything else.  What was worse and he said it several times ” AND THE REALTOR WILL BACK ME UP ON WHAT I’M SAYING”  I about choked.

The home inspector said you could sand this hardwood floor and it would be good as new.  I hate to tell him that is a pergo floor and most likely would be damaged if they took a floor sander to it.  “Uncle Bob” ccouldn’t tell the difference between a hardwood floor and a Pergo floor.  He made me nervous.

Who you have inspect your metro Detroit homeis important. So what I say to anybody that is thinking about having “cousin joe” or “uncle Bob” don’t take their word for their expertise.  I would only have  uncle bob do it if they are a builder or a licensed contractor.  If they only have a specialty in electrical work or just cement work, or just carpentry save yourself the potential problems.  Hire a professional inspector for $300.  It will be the best money you spend.

Of course he missed this fine electrical connection in the basement.  No Junction box.  Just a sliced wire taped up to a lose electrical plug hanging from the ceiling.  Uncle Bob isn’t doing his job.  I had to point this out to him.

Just my thoughts.   It’s your house and I’ll go along with whatever you decide.  If you decide to have Uncle Bob inspect your Metro Detroit home I won’t over ride your decision.  It’s your decision.

Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate agent

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