Tull Lake White Lake Twp MI
Below I have a list of 11 homes sold in the last 365 days on Tull Lake White Lake Twp Michigan. A very popular nice lake for those water enthusiast. Below details all the specifics of each home sold, list price, sale price, square footage and year built. Tull Lake White Lake Twp Michigan homes are mostly on the bay though there are a few on the main lake and rest of the lake are the smaller ranchs, tri-levels, quad-levels that were built in the 1960’s and 1970’s. White Lake Twp Michigan Tull Lake is a private, limited all sports lake with 90 acres in size & 10-12 feet deep.
Orchard Lake Oakland County Lakes MI St. Patrick’s Day in Metro Detroit area We may not have a home, but we are looking good – a Metro Detroit foreclosure story How to make your Metro Detroit area home easier to sell If you are looking at Tull Lake homes please give me a call (248) 310-6239 or any other Oakland County lakes. You can email me @ yesmyrealtor@gmail.com . For more information go tomichiganlakerealestatehomes.com. As of 9-4-12.
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