The odor box and selling your Metro Detroit home


Did I say odor box?  I meant litter box.  In my many years of home selling I would be 50% of the time litter boxes smell bad when I am showing homes to clients.  I know kitty litter isn’t cheap but when selling and showing your home you need to be pro-active.  That Litter box has to be smell free.

No I’m not saying to follow your cat around and change the litter box as soon as they use it.  But if you have a showing scheduled…. CHANGE THE LITTER BOX.

I would say smells and odors are one of the biggest reasons that buyers leave homes.  A bad smell while send 90% of the buyers running for the door.  Odors automatically trigger buyers to think that either the home isn’t clean, hasn’t been taken care of, or is in need of repair.  Even if it is in good shape it makes buyers question your house.  You do not want to do that.

According to a TODAY poll only 41% of people like cats.  So do not add to the problem by having a stinky litter box.  I hope this metro Detroit home selling tip helps you sell your house easier.

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