Summerlin Subdivision Novi MI


Summerlin Subdivision Novi MI

Here listed below are 3 homes that have sold in the last year.  If your looking to buy in Novi Michigan  I would recommend Summerlin Subdivision in Novi Michigan. What a great city to live in, very clean, beautiful and you will be glad you decided on Summerlin Subdivision Novi Michigan.  It has approximately 40 homes in it.  The homes were built during the years of 2003 -2005.  The homes are mostly colonial and cape cod style.  Most of Novi Michigan Summerline Subdivision homes have brick/cedar & stone/wood exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements (some walkout).  The square footage of the homes range from 2500 – 3100 square ft.




45087 TIVERTON27002500160.857329162003N
44733 LUDLOW DR27990028500029102.962427682005N
45039 COBBLESTONE32000032500017120.683226932005N


If you would like to see a current list of Summerlin Subdivision homes give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 or email me @   As of 8-30-12.


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