Spring curb appeal tips to help sell your home

How to spruce up your home to get buyers inside.

Good pictures and an inviting front yard get prospective buyers to come inside your home.  Here are a few tips to get them hooked to look inside.

 What three baits or new things should you do to the outside of your Metro Detroit home for sale

  1. Trim up your bushes and trees.  Let Metro Detroit Home buyers see your house.  If they can’t see it in a picture or from the road they are not going to want to come in.  Remember prospective Michigan home buyers drive buy at all times of the day.
  2. Plant some flowers.  Put some pots of plants on the front porch.  By spending a few hundred dollars to brighten up the outside may get a few more buyers inside your home.  The more buyers looking the more likely you will get an offer.  It is a cheap way to spruce up your home.  Simple and quick.  Re-mulch the flower & shrub beds.  Put on a fresh coat of mulch.  Make it look like you take care of your Metro Detroit Home.  Home buyers like to see a well taken care of home.  It takes away some of their defenses and objections when they believe the seller has taken care of the home.

Remember you have to have the right bait to land your Michigan home buyer!

For more Michigan home selling tips check out the Sellers tips category on the side or email me at yesmyrealtor@gmail.com or call me to come out to get your home ready for sale.

 lake homes for sale on Mead Lake in White Lake MI

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