Simmons Orchard Novi MI
Novi subdivisions Simmons Orchards
Novi MI Homes for sale
Simmons Orchards subdivision is located right down the street from Novi’s police station and city offices. (off Ten Mile) Novi has lots of great shopping, restaurants, and easy access to I-96. With homes ranging from $100,000 (1200 to 1400 square foot ranches) to Million dollar estates. ( Bellagio Subdivision )
There were 7 Novi homes in Simmons Orchard that are for sale as of 2/3/09 and 2 that are for lease. The average time on the market was 117 days and the average list price is $202,028.
In the last six months 2 homes have been leased in Simmons Orchard and 5 homes have been sold. The average time on the market is 168 day and the average sold price is $192,725.
Simmons Orchard subdivision is actually 4 subdivisions with one homeowners association. Simmons Orchard has approximately 255 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 1983 -1988.
The homes are mostly Colonial, Cape Cod, and ranch style. Most of the homes have brick/wood exteriors and brick/vinyl exteriors, mostly 2 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements and some slab.
Square footage of the colonial homes range from 1400 – 2200 square ft.
Square footage of the ranch homes range from 1200-1600 square ft
The school District is Novi Community Schools
The location of the subdivision is between 10 and 11 mile roads and between Taft and Beck Roads. You can enter the subdivision off 10 Mile
The streets that are in the Simmons Orchard subdivision are:
Cider Mill
Sarah Flynn
Simmons Drive
Fairway Hills
Bonnie Brook
Simmons Orchards has a combination of ranch homes and colonials. Some of the ranches have no basements.
All of the above information is general information. We do not guarantee the information. This is to give a guide to the subdivision.
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Michigan Trivia
Did you know that :
- Pullman sleeping cars were first manufactured in Detroit in 1871 by George Pullman.
- Did you know that the the Tigers first placed the distinctive letter on their uniforms in 1904, one year before any interlocking NY appeared on a Yankees shirt.
- In 1817 the University of Michigan was the first university established by any of the states. Originally named Cathelepistemian and located in Detroit the name was changed in 1821. The university moved to Ann Arbor in 1841
- Indian River is the home of the largest crucifix in the world. It is called the Cross in the Woods.
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