Selling your Metro Detroit home quicker

EVERY METRO DETROIT HOME SELLS!  That is just a fact.  It doesn’t matter if the home:

  • backs up to a landfill
  • next to an autoplant
  • on a busy road
  • has a swamp in back
  • is need in major repair
  • has a poor layout

You see there are three factors in a Metro Detroit home sale

  1. location
  2. price
  3. condition

So sometimes it takes a great presentation of your home if you want to get the best price or to overcome the location.  Yes you heard me right!  A updated, well kept home usually gets the best price and sells faster.

Staging your home means basically arranging your home and doing little touch ups to present your home to potential Metro Detroit home buyers.  It takes a little time and some money to stage your home but it is worth it.

Every home that the homeowners have staged the home has sold quicker for me.  Think of it of “putting your house one stage”  We sometimes try to camouflage that outdated flower couch.  Put a lamp in that dark corner.  Remove excess furniture.  Paint neutral colors.  Those are just some of the items you may have to do to help sell your home.

If you are thinking of selling your Livonia MI homePlymouth homeNorthville home or anyWayne or Oakland County home give me a call or email me,

Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate agent


My quote of the day:

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou


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