Salem Foreclosures

When putting in an offer on a Salem foreclosure, keep in mind if it is a good deal at list price don’t bid too low or somebody else is going to win the house. The stronger the offer the more likely you are to win the bid over other offers. If you would to know more about the Salem foreclosure below, please give me a call. I am more than happy to give you a personal tour and explain how foreclosures in Salem work.

There is only one foreclosure in Salem at this time as you can see from the list below:


6325 NAPIER RD232400YY150X432132.04

If you are looking for the latest and greatest list of Washtenaw County foreclosures (or any other southeastern city) let me know! I have years of experience and can help you! My cell phone number is 248-310-6239 or email me at
Have great day!

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