Relocating to Metro Detroit?
Moving to Michigan, what to think about
When relocating to Metro Detroit or Michigan take the time to write down your wants in a home.
Is the style of the home important?
- colonial
- tudor
- contemporary
- ranch
- split level
Is where your Metro Detroit home located important?
- near work ( short commute time)
- near good schools (check out
- near parks (check out the local cities official websites)
- near shopping
- near relatives
- near ethnic groups like you
- near a place of worship
What do you want in a home?
- how many bathrooms
- how many bedrooms
- how many car garage
- basement
- large or small kitchen
- finished or unfinished basement?
What little things that are important to you?
- fenced yard
- mature trees
- open layout of home
- bedrooms all on one floor
- main floor laundry
By sitting down and making a “must have” list and a “would like to have” list will make your Michigan relocation easier. It will help me to find you a Metro Detroit Home that fits your needs.
Email me a list of your wants when you are relocating to Michigan. I will be glad to send you an email of homes you can browse through at your convenience. Also feel free to send me your list of questions about Michigan and the local area to Feel free to check out my other website that has lots of Michigan real estate information You can search for Michigan homes for sale by clicking on the Search for homes button above.
My quote of the day is:
The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
Scott Hamilton
Lakefront homes for sale on the Chain of Lakes near Hamburg MI
Sometimes the best lake homes sell in less than a week. Click the button below to get the newest lake listings so you do not miss out on the great deals.
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