Plymouth Mi subdivisions
Plymouth MI Real Estate Information
When searching through Plymouth real estate how do you know which subdivisions are nice? Do you want to know the home styles in the Plymouth subdivision? How many homes are in the sub? What the recent homes have sold for? Or what is Plymouth homes are for sale in certain subdivisions? I have gone through and compiled information on many of Plymouth’s subdivisions. If you click on the subs below you can learn more about the area. I have started with 5 of the lower priced subdivisions, then went to 20 mid priced subdivisions. And then the higher priced subdivisions. I can’t differentiate between which one is a little higher priced than another. Forgive me if a Plymouth subdivision is out of place. It is sometimes hard to place them because of the range of prices in the subdivision. This is just a guide for you to get the feel of Plymouth and Plymouth Township MI.
Birch Estates Subdivision Cambridge Green Subdivision
Cambridge Village Subdivision Lake Pointe Subdivision MayFlower Village Subdivision Reiser & Stellwagen Subdivision
Andover Lakes Subdivision Brecken Ridge Subdivision
Greystone Subdivision
Heather Hills Subdivision
Huntington Park Subdivision
Maple Croft Subdivision
New England Subdivision
Palmer Acres Subdivision
Parklane Meadows Subdivision
Plymouth Estates Subdivision
Plymouth Hills Subdivision
Plymouth Meadows Subdivision
Quail Hollow Subdivision
Quail Run Subdivision
Ridgewood Hills Subdivision
Trailwood Subdivision
Twin Arbors Subdivision
Walnut Creek Subdivision
Westbriar Subdivision
Beacon Estates Subdivision Woodlore South Subdivision
Ridgewood West Subdivision
Rolling Oaks Subdivision
Woodlore North Subdivision Deer Creek Subdivision
Fox Pointe Subdivision Beacon Meadows Subdivision
Country Acres of Plymouth Subdivision
Plymouth Commons Subdivision Pine Ridge Subdivision
If you are thinking of moving to Plymouth MI and would like Plymouth homes for sale emailed to you send me an email at or call me on my cell at (248) 310-6239
I can help find you the home that fits your families needs and price range. May the winds of luck come your way.
Comp and Listing Information Courtesy of Realcomp II Ltd, Properties shown have been listed and sold by various MLS member REALTOR® agents
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